Apr 29, 2019
Join Michael, Steve, Sheila, Jeni, Kim, Michelle, and Ric as we discuss our worst Disney decisions! We also discuss bad decisions that had happy endings and our best Disney decisions!
You can find us on the web at www.monorailtales.com.
Find us on Facebook and like our page and join our fun Disney group!
You can also...
Apr 22, 2019
Join Steve and Sheila as they discuss the Walt Disney World attractions of yesteryear with Jeff, Michelle, and Ric.
Find us at www.monorailtales.com, www.facebook.com/monorailtales,
on Twitter @monorailtales1, and on instagram.com/monorailtales.
Find Jeff at www.wdwpov.com
Jeni at www.rockabillydisney.com
Kim at
Apr 20, 2019
Join Steve and Sheila as they talk with Josh Beckham, who lives in North Carolina, about his recent vacation to Walt Disney World with his wife, three small children and his mother-in-law.
Much fun was had during the recording of this show, and we are sure you will have lots of fun listening to it! It is a podcast...
Apr 15, 2019
Join Steve and Michael as they discuss their favorite Disney songs with Sheila, Michelle, and Ric. Hear our first memories of Disney music, the ear-worms, and the songs that make us laugh and cry.
You can find us on the web at www.monorailtales.com.
Our Facebook page is www.facebook.com/monorailtales and please join us...
Apr 8, 2019
Smoking, strollers, and ice, oh, my! Join us as we discuss the new policy changes at Walt Disney World and the Fox Merger/Acquisition and its possible effects.
You can find us on the web at www.monorailtales.com.
Our Facebook page is www.facebook.com/monorailtales and please join us in our group on Facebook as well.